Confirm Successful Receipt of Batch or Online Files

Did Worldpay successfully retrieve your instructions?

After submitting your Dynamic Payout funding instructions, confirm that your batch and/or online files were successfully received by Worldpay. Use the following methods and reports:

The Funding Instruction <response> cnpAPI element returns a three-digit numeric code which specifies either that the transaction is Approved (000 code) or Declined (942). For Canadian Dynamic Payout merchants, a decline code of 945 indicates that the Funding Instruction transaction type is invalid for Canadian merchants.

You may also receive response code 108 - Try again later, which can indicate a possible communication failure between our systems, especially for Dynamic Payout clients that have sub-merchants boarded on the Worldpay Core platform.

Review your response file immediately after receiving. If any instructions receive response code 108 - Try again Later, re-submit those specific instructions as soon as possible before cutoff in a separate batch.

Worldpay includes the response element in all response messages, whether online and/or batch. The message element provides a brief definition of the response code. See the Worldpay eComm cnpAPI Reference Guide for additional information.

Response File - Worldpay produces an response file shortly after receiving the batch. The timing depends upon the size of the submitted file; larger files take longer.

To retrieve the response file:

  1. Open your FTP connection to the Worldpay outbound directory.

  2. Locate the response file, which will have the same name as the file you submitted. If the response file has a .prg extension, it is still transferring. The extension changes to .asc when the transfer to the outbound directory completes.

  3. Retrieve the response file.

For file transmission errors, email Technical Support at A Technical Support Representative will contact you within 15 minutes to resolve the problem. Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The Session Activity Report in iQ can help you determine if your funding instructions were received successfully. The Session Activity report provides a real-time view of the data you present for processing, to ensure that the data has been transmitted correctly to Worldpay. From the Session Activity report, you can monitor sessions in different states of completion for the selected date range (Sessions Started, Sessions with Activity, and Sessions Ended), including a summary of all batches, transactions in the batch and a table detailing the batches contained in the selected session type.

The Session Activity Report confirms that FIS has successfully received the files, not that they passed validation or whether they were sent to Fifth Third. If a funding Instruction passes front-end validation, but does not pass back-end validation, the session report does not show as Rejected.

The Batch Detail Report in iQ provides a detailed breakdown of transactions contained within a batch. From within each of the tabs in the Batch Detail report, you can click a link to navigate to the Instruction Detail Screen for details on a Dynamic Payout funding instruction.

When the batch or online transaction arrives, Worldpay performs a front-end check on each Funding Instruction within a Batch, as well as online instructions. We verify that there is sufficient account balances to cover the money movement from each account. If the system detects insufficient funds in any account impacted by a funding instruction, Worldpay rejects the individual online instruction or the entire Batch. The returned error message provides information about the account lacking funds.

Available Balance included in declined Dynamic Payout Funding Instructions Response Message.

We also perform a back-end balance check on Batch files ready for delivery upstream. In this case, if the money movement of any Batch results in an insufficient balance in any account, we reject all Batches.

For example, you submit a Batch of funding instructions that include a number of reserveCredit and reserveDebit transactions, such that the net funds movement (credits - debits), that results in $200,000 being moved from the PayFac FBO Reserve Account to the PayFac FBO Settlement Account. If the current balance in the FBO Reserve account is less than $200,000, the entire batch is rejected with a message similar to:

<cnpResponse version="12.2" xmlns="" id="691"response="1" message="Over Balance (Cnp ID: 819812345678357001, session sequence: 2, unique ID: null) not processed - The specified Funding Instructions would result in a negative balance in your Reserve Account. Current  settlement balance:20000000, current reserve balance:15000000" cnpSessionId="810123456789357102"></cnpResponse>



Important: Services in the United States are provided by RealNet Payments LLC, a licensed money transmitter in the jurisdictions listed here.
RealNet Payments LLC, 11000 W Lake Park Drive, Milwaukee, WI 53224 (800)729.8787
Privacy statement found here.